Lincoln Tech Fuels Dreams with Scholarships for Two Chicago Stars!

Parsippany, NJ, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Lincoln Educational Services Corporation (NASDAQ: LINC), renowned for its specialized technical training for over 75 years, is proud to announce the awarding of scholarships to two remarkable Automotive Service & Technology students at its Melrose Park, IL campus, located in a suburb of Chicago. This campus stands as one of Lincoln Tech’s most distinguished schools, boasting high graduate placement rates and robust partnerships with local employers.

The beneficiaries of the Lawrence Arthur Pritchett Memorial Scholarship Award are Martiez Caffey and Dalia Alvarez, two promising students whose passion for automotive service and technology shines brightly. This scholarship is provided through the generous support of the Lincoln Foundation for Education, Inc. (LiFE). Lawrence Arthur Pritchett, a valued Chicago resident, was celebrated for his impressive career as a mechanic. Spending over three decades with Amoco Oil Company (now BP), Pritchett rose through the ranks from a truck mechanic to Senior Manager of Fleet Operation and Repairs. In honor of his legacy, his family initiated this scholarship to support students avidly pursuing careers in the automotive industry.

Martiez Caffey’s journey reflects a profound passion for automotive mechanics from a young age. “As a kid, I loved cars and trucks and always wondered how they worked,” Caffey shared. Coming from a large family, he was mindful of the financial pressures his educational ambitions could place on his mother. “This scholarship will help me achieve my childhood goal and is also a huge burden lifted from my mother. After I graduate, I can work on trucks and pursue my CDL license, thanks to Lincoln Tech and this incredible scholarship opportunity!”

Dalia Alvarez, another scholarship recipient, dreamed of delving into the automotive world and the exciting realm of racing since she was young. Alvarez is determined to make her dreams come true, stating, “Training at Lincoln Tech gives me the chance to chase my dream, and I’m ready to overcome any challenge that is thrown at me.”

Karen Clark, President of Lincoln Tech’s Melrose Park campus, expressed profound honor in aiding to preserve Mr. Pritchett’s legacy through these scholarships. “More than ever, it’s imperative to support students in advancing their education and getting ahead in fields like Automotive Service. Martiez Caffey and Dalia Alvarez couldn’t be more deserving of this recognition,” she said.

Applicants for the scholarship were required to exhibit not only stellar academic performance but also a steadfast commitment to their future careers in the automotive industry, criteria that both Caffey and Alvarez met comprehensively.

Lawrence’s son Michael Pritchett voiced the family’s pride in the award recipients, stating, “Automobiles and automobile technology were our father’s passion and career… He would have been proud to see these students receiving this award.”

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics underscores the demand for skilled, trained Automotive Service Technicians in Illinois, projecting over 2,900 available positions annually. Through continuous graduation of well-trained technicians, Lincoln Tech’s Melrose Park campus remains at the forefront of meeting this industry need.

Lincoln Educational Services Corporation plays a significant role in the provision of diversified career-oriented post-secondary education across the United States. With a history dating back to 1946, Lincoln has continually evolved to offer programs in automotive technology, health sciences, skilled trades, information technology, and hospitality services across its 22 campuses.

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CONTACT: Peter Tahinos, Lincoln Educational Services, 973-766-9656, [email protected]


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